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Improved Sleep Linked to Improved Diet, Studies Show in Washington’s NBC4

Eating your way to better sleep? It’s not just a dream! Studies suggest a diet low in saturated fat and sugar, high in fiber and plant-based foods like fruits and veggies can lead to better ZZZs. But beware: caffeine, alcohol, red meat, sweets, and carbs can crash the bedtime party. 🛌💤 #EatWellSleepWell

The Importance of a Balanced Diet and Quality Sleep 🛌

According to a report from NBC4 Washington, various studies suggest that better sleep can come from a better diet. It is commonly known that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding screens before bed, and keeping the bedroom cool can improve sleep. However, the impact of diet on sleep is often overlooked. One in three adults do not get the recommended amount of sleep, and many struggle with falling asleep or waking up frequently throughout the night. Research points to the idea that a lower glycemic index, low saturated fat, low added sugar, and high fiber diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, can have a positive effect on sleep.

The Role of Diet in Improving Sleep Patterns 🍓🥑

A diet with a lower glycemic index, low saturated fat, low added sugars, and high fiber can potentially improve sleep. Evidence suggests that consuming more fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats can positively impact sleep patterns. This is due to the intake of beneficial antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which can reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and aid in relaxation.

The Impact of Fiber on Sleep and Gut Health 🌾

Fiber plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels and contributes to a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, helps regulate circadian sleep rhythms. The gut is also involved in the production of serotonin, which is essential for mood regulation and sleep quality. Therefore, it is important to focus on overall dietary improvements rather than relying on specific "miracle" foods for better sleep.

Foods to Avoid for Quality Sleep 🚫

It is equally important to be mindful of foods that can negatively impact sleep. Caffeine, alcohol, red meat, sweets, and refined carbohydrates are known disruptors of a good night’s sleep. Avoiding these items and focusing on a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet can significantly contribute to better sleep quality and overall health.

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